Thursday, 5 April 2012

Email results dropping? Take a ZiG E-healthcheck to boost your ROI

Increased use of the 'cheaper' Email channel has only added to communication overload. Is it any wonder that businesses are seeing a drop in results? After all, there are only so many hours in a day and a full inbox simply increases anxiety for the recipient.

So, if you are planning a new Email campaign, here are a few points to take into consideration.
(1) Get the right balance Send too many and you run the risk of communication fatigue and brand disinterest. Send too few though, and you may well miss opportunities to engage.
(2) Be timely and relevant 
As with direct mail (D-mail), think about the very first message that your reader will see. With D-mail it’s on the outer envelope or the letter headline. With E-mail it’s your subject-box line. In our experience, three types of subject lines that bring most success are:
a) benefit led 
b) news, or
c) curiosity
(3) Make sure that your content is interesting and compelling. 
The more relevant the message, the more interesting it is to your target. This will in turn create more desire to purchase.
(4) Avoid overuse of images as they can get stripped out by firewalls. Ensure important information, e.g. prices or dates, are not embedded into graphics, as they may be lost.
(5) Be consistent with other on and off-line communications in look and feel.
(6) Segment your target audience and test different headlines. The beauty of Email over Dmail is the speed of response and analysis.
(7) Quality rather than quantity
Don't blanket mail. Guard your reputation by enabling recipients to opt-out easily.
(8) Learn from your results
Use tracking software to learn which content is most popular and how recipients are following it up - this will be invaluable when planning future campaigns.