Monday 21 November 2011

Direct mail is dead? Don't believe the hype.

In todays marketing arena with interactive Web 2.0 websites, E-commerce, social network marketing, mobile marketing, etc. I'm often asked if anyone still uses direct mail (DM) as a marketing channel.
Factors such as rising postage costs, relatively slower turnaround times and the poor PR of 'junk mail' (thanks to 'blanket bombing' campaigns with poorly targeted offers and 'scamsters'), have meant that direct mail volumes have dropped.  Despite being lower than ten years ago, volumes are still very high so it must be creating a good return of investment. If you think that the medium is dead and buried then think again. To prove my point, I received a direct mail piece from Google only last week.
Despite all of the bad press, I believe that direct mail is as effective and responsive as any other direct response medium and that includes its 'cheaper cousin' E-broadcast. Where DM really comes into the fore is in the business-to-business (B2B) arena. Here you can stand out from the crowd and get ahead of your competitors by sending attention grabbing mailers that can interest, intrigue, inform, interact and delight the recipient. Another plus is that you can mail out almost anything as long as it is relevant and beneficial (and cost-effective). The contents of your mailer can be enjoyed and be kept for longer than any E-broadcast or blog.
Because DM is flexible and measurable, the advice from the ZiG Zone is don't use it instead of digital marketing but use it WITHIN a multi-channel campaign. It is proven time after time that any channel combined and in sync with other channels, will outperform the use of one channel on it's own. By combining your forces you maximise your returns on your marketing investment. For example, you may consider radio, press and dm combined with an E-broadcast to raise the response of your campaign.

For some great examples of effective direct mail and multi-channel campaigns go to where you will find examples of direct mail that were not 'junk' but were well received and responsive. An important point to highlight here is that there is a skill to creating a direct mail piece. A perfect example of this is a mailer that we did for Arsenal Football Club which, in a head-to-head test, actually beat the 'control' mailer and uplifted it's response rate by 400%.
As well as, another source of inspiration can be found at
If there are any terms used above that you are unsure of then please don't hesitate to comment or drop me a  line. ZiG are happy to help.

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