Friday, 10 February 2012

Not another Star Wars cop-out

Hi, Just having a (late) 'Friday afternoon rant' about lazy, expensive, and (more than likely?) ineffective marketing by 'The Big Boys' of advertising.
Unoriginally, yet another high profile company is using a Star Wars icon for their TV commercials.

You may have noticed Yoda spreading the 'force' for Vodafone. Yoda... Voda... get it? Mmmm exactly, a bit tenuous the link?
What gripes me is that only a month ago, PC World used Darth Vader to promote their in-store customer services and just prior to that a miniature Darth Vader appeared in a VW ad. Not only is it confusing to audiences but why go ahead with a campaign when the same idea is out there in the marketplace? What next, Chewbacca sunning himself on a P&O Cruise around the Med, defending the virtues of Princess Leia against the dark forces of the ships, amorous Italian, Captain Francesco Schettino?

Call me crazy, but I thought the whole point of marketing and advertising was to be unique, stand out from the crowd. Mission one: Grab attention... GET NOTICED!!!!

I imagine anyone who takes notice of these adverts (TV break = tea or twitter break?) would find it confusing. Though the mass media channel of TV has it's merits, I'm sure that the big budgets could be spent in a better, more direct, measurable way.
The only person who really benefits from these bland adverts is surely George Lucas.
Ah well, that's better. A rant shared is a rant halved!
Have a great weekend.

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